Sunday 22 February 2009

Whedon's back!

Everyone who knows me knows I LOVE all things Whedon. Joss Whedon is what I consider 'The Man'.

Not only did he bring us Buffy and Angel, but he also brought us Firefly (damn FOX for ending it before it really begun!).

A show that brought humour, brought loyalty, that brought drama and action was cut short because of the stupid's at Fox. Now Dollhouse has arrived and it is far; two episodes in may not be enough to make a solid assessment but I'm taking a risk and saying it will remain fantastic for the forseeable future.

But why Whedon has reforged his ties with the Fox network I'm not sure. I don't like Fox, the animal or the corporation; the former tried to kill the three little pigs and succeeded in devouring two, the latter cancelled Firefly, and has O'Reilly who is a retard. I'm hoping they won't attempt to mess with The Man like they did when he created Firefly.

I have to be honest and say, if The Man was to remake a horror movie (which my earlier post Friday the 13th clearly revealed my hatred for) I would still rave about how fantastic it was just because it is The Man who made it. Heck I would watch it even if the main characters were The Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus.

Okay maybe my loyalty doesn't stretch that far. I would rather lose my sight and my hearing...and my legs and arms than have to watch these people on a weekly basis on a Whdeon show. I would rather eat manure (from all different mammals) than have to watch these people on a weekly basis on a Whedon show. I would rather listen to Coldplay and be as depressed as they seem rather than view these people on a weekly basis on a Whedon show.

Heck I think I would rather meet my maker than watch these people.

I think it's clear I don't like The Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus.

But Eliza Dushku rocks! So I'm on cloud 9 (or cloud 3, 3 is my lucky number, I would rather be on cloud 3). The premise of this show is that these 'actives' can be whoever a client wants them to be; after completing the requests of the clients, their minds are wiped by the Dollhouse institution and then can be hired by another client for another purpose.

And so this leaves the possibility of countless storylines which is absolutely awesome!

I retract my earlier statement about rather dying than having to see the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus on my screen on a weekly basis. I value my life.

But I would rather be in a coma and wake up in 15 years time and find that I missed the penultimate episode of Smallville (and there's no copy of it anywhere) than have to watch those guys and girl on a weekly basis on a Whedon show.

And I LOVE Smallville.

p.s I am aware that The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus are loved by millions and so I wish to express that my opinions are just my own and I apologise for any offense others may feel towards them. But I'm trying to be truthful. I know some things I like, others would cringe at. It's all good. I'm not usually apologetic for what I write, but I'm also aware of the loyalty of JB and MC fans, to be perfectly honest, I fear them; and fear leads to apologising for causing any offense.

(*whisper* please don't hurt me)

I just got a shiver up my back.

Perfect. Alias

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