Monday 9 February 2009

Numero Uno

O.K so my first ever blog, with and audience of zero...this is not how I pictured it.
But that's ok, because we all have to start somewhere...and I start here.

I was just thinking how rubbish Prison Break was after the first season, and suddenly a thought occured. Why do they sterilize the needle used for lethal injection? I mean they are about to die, surely there's no need to clean the utensils. As a matter of fact, they can use the same needle for all those with the death penalty (by lethal injection).

I think getting electrocuted is a better way to go. At least you get some thrill out of it. Although I'm pretty sure I'm comparing 'death by electrocution' to the electric shock machines at arcades. I like them. They're cool. Not sure death by electrocution is the same, but it seems much more fun than death by lethal injection.

My first blog and I decide to talk about death. This is not how I pictured it either. It's alright though, I'm sure they will get better in time.

Perfect. Alias

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