Thursday 19 February 2009

Friday the 13th

So I went to watch Friday the 13th last week and there's no other word to describe it but 'shit'. It was absolute rubbish, I'm pretty sure I'd rather watch Betwitched (with Nicole Kidman) or something as abysmal as that.

I don't understand how a director can sit there and edit his movie and think 'yeah that looks finished'. I mean surely when he is watching it back, he should see that the storyline is hilariously shit, the acting is breathtakingly disgusting and the fear factor...Courage the Cowardly Dog looks scarer than this bullshit.

Its the same thing with My Bloody Valentine. Did the Supernatural brothers have a meeting and decide it was time to do something shit in order to make their show Supernatural seem that much better? If so, they succeeded. Really, Ackles and Padalecki, did you not look at the script and think 'hmm, yeah starring in remade horror movies is never a good move'.

I mean, The Omen, Amityville Horror, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes, Halloween...remade horror, is like reheating chicken; it becomes dry, and tastes like shit. Similar to the shit being served by these retarded directors (I'm talking specifically in their horror remake not the rest of their movies).

Come on dudes, think of something original and stop regurgitating past creations. I don't see anyone taking hold of The Mona Lisa and deciding she should be smiling, I don't see construction work being done on the Eiffel Tower to make it a different shape, or different colour. You don't mess with something that doesn't need to be messed with. You don't add a pretty face for pretty face's sake in the hope of enticing narrow minded half-wits to the cinema to watch Jared and Jensen. NO!

Don't get me wrong, I won't say no to either :-)

But whilst trying to decide which armrest is mine, and the continuous distraction of shady looking men sitting disturbingly close, the last thing I want to see is bullshit. And just for the record, I saw these movies only because they were chosen by friends. Although the 'friend' word may be too kind, considering what they took me to watch.

Amandeep, this is down to you. There's your mention. Happy!

Perfect. Alias

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