Thursday 26 February 2009

The End of the World!

So we are apparently killing the planet through the overconsumption of fossil fuels, the lack of recycling, the wasting of water, the overuse of electricity, through overconsumption of food, through using the toilet too often, through making too many trips abroad (and thus contributing to pollution) through making too many babies etc etc etc

I think I’m content with what’s going on. And to be perfectly honest, my selfishness keeps on telling me I will most likely be dead before anything major happens to the world. And so I’m not so concerned.

And the ice caps melting, Polar Bears will most likely adapt to such change in their habitat and grow fins and gills. If they are unable to adapt in time, tough luck.

Survival of the adaptist...est(?)

I guess the penguins will dominate. If Madagascar taught us anything, it’s that Penguins are more clever and cunning than we imagine.

And those icebergs deserve to melt; the Titanic sank because of one of them. Oh how I cried when Jack froze to death and then sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. And I couldn’t do anything to help him, I just watched him die! Melt Icebergs melt!

And there’s no way I’m switching my light off at night. The black shadows that take up residence in my room when I switch off the light scare me; and the monster in the closet, I've seen Monsters Inc, I don't believe it!

I have seen The Day After Tomorrow, Flood, The Perfect Storm, A.I: Artificial Intelligence, and they were really good. Not sure if they had the right impact though. The Day After Tomorrow, I watched because of Jake Gyllenhaal , The Perfect Storm I watched for George Clooney, A.I because of Haley Joel Osment’s character who only wanted to be a ‘real’ boy.

Of course I paid attention to the moral of the stories, that the earth is doomed if we don’t do something about it. But I was more concerned with the death of George Clooney’s character to be honest. God that was so sad.

I feel I’m going to hell now due to my lack of feelings.

In what I’m sure many would deem a lacklustre attempt at redemption, I do sincerely hope Polar Bears learn how to breath underwater.

Perfect. Alias

Monday 23 February 2009

How one entertains themselves during Lecture

Sitting and day-dreaming in my New Media module at university, it occurred to me that I should attempt to learn how to entertain myself through different means. Why I hear you asking?

Well because sometimes my attention span significantly decreases, and New Media has had that impact on me. I don’t think it has anything to do with the lecturer’s, both are extremely kind, and bring their own personality and teaching methods into the mix.

Unfortunately Thursday has never been a good day for me. Ever since I was a little girl, Thursday has brought only bad things. My cat died on a Thursday, my brother stole my computer on a Thursday, my mother cooks food I detest on a Thursday, and Thursday is when all the best shows are aired in America yet I have to wait before I can watch them here.

Apart from the last Thursday comment, the rest are lies. I think I’m trying to convince myself that I hate Thursday’s for reasons other than New Media for fear that one of my lecturers come across this post and then give me a third for my work. And anyway, I don’t have a cat and never did.

Back to the new form of entertainment on Thursday’s.

My very good friend Hafsa recently made a comment on how some individuals didn’t wear a bra (from what she could see) and so my new game centres on determining whether certain individuals are wearing a bra underneath or whether their lady lumps are defying gravity and staying up on their lonesome.

I must admit, when it looks as though they are defying the power of gravity, a little jealousy is the outcome.

This form of entertainment is slightly disturbing; I blame it on the person who brought up the subject in the first place (Hafsa). I was going to reveal who Hafsa ogled in the first place, but I fear the repercussions of this person finding out, would be too severe. But it would highlight where Hafsa’s mind is at during lecture.

Another way of passing time is by letting the imagination run completely free.

For a certain lecture, we had to watch a film about cherries (Taste of Cherry: 1997) which, as it transpires, has hardly any connection with the taste of cherry rather it was based on mans effort in ending his life. Right at the end, an old man makes a comment about a cherry tree and...Yeah they thought that this little comment was enough to make the movie’s name ‘Taste of cherry’. That’s like calling Batman Batman because a bat went flying across the screen and that’s it.

Anyway, the film ended with a question mark, did the man get his wish fulfilled? Did he manage to end his life? As there was no answer, I thought it was important to finish the film off in my head. And so I went on to imagine him dying from choking on a cherry, being hit by a bus that was advertising cherries, crashing his car into a cherry tree or having his cherry flavoured drink spiked with anti-freeze.

I’m pretty sure everyone was angry when the movie suddenly ended with no end, Aman (another good friend) looked as perplexed as me, I think I heard her curse the director (Abbas Kiarostami). Another friend Claudjah, decided this was the time to wake up from her nap.

Imagination is a strong tool. I bow down to mine. My only fear is, if my imagination was to take things a step further and, when I am attempting to determine whether certain individuals are wearing a bra, the imagination decides this game would work better if I imagined them naked.

Now that would be disturbing. Very disturbing indeed.

Perfect. Alias

Sunday 22 February 2009

Whedon's back!

Everyone who knows me knows I LOVE all things Whedon. Joss Whedon is what I consider 'The Man'.

Not only did he bring us Buffy and Angel, but he also brought us Firefly (damn FOX for ending it before it really begun!).

A show that brought humour, brought loyalty, that brought drama and action was cut short because of the stupid's at Fox. Now Dollhouse has arrived and it is far; two episodes in may not be enough to make a solid assessment but I'm taking a risk and saying it will remain fantastic for the forseeable future.

But why Whedon has reforged his ties with the Fox network I'm not sure. I don't like Fox, the animal or the corporation; the former tried to kill the three little pigs and succeeded in devouring two, the latter cancelled Firefly, and has O'Reilly who is a retard. I'm hoping they won't attempt to mess with The Man like they did when he created Firefly.

I have to be honest and say, if The Man was to remake a horror movie (which my earlier post Friday the 13th clearly revealed my hatred for) I would still rave about how fantastic it was just because it is The Man who made it. Heck I would watch it even if the main characters were The Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus.

Okay maybe my loyalty doesn't stretch that far. I would rather lose my sight and my hearing...and my legs and arms than have to watch these people on a weekly basis on a Whdeon show. I would rather eat manure (from all different mammals) than have to watch these people on a weekly basis on a Whedon show. I would rather listen to Coldplay and be as depressed as they seem rather than view these people on a weekly basis on a Whedon show.

Heck I think I would rather meet my maker than watch these people.

I think it's clear I don't like The Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus.

But Eliza Dushku rocks! So I'm on cloud 9 (or cloud 3, 3 is my lucky number, I would rather be on cloud 3). The premise of this show is that these 'actives' can be whoever a client wants them to be; after completing the requests of the clients, their minds are wiped by the Dollhouse institution and then can be hired by another client for another purpose.

And so this leaves the possibility of countless storylines which is absolutely awesome!

I retract my earlier statement about rather dying than having to see the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus on my screen on a weekly basis. I value my life.

But I would rather be in a coma and wake up in 15 years time and find that I missed the penultimate episode of Smallville (and there's no copy of it anywhere) than have to watch those guys and girl on a weekly basis on a Whedon show.

And I LOVE Smallville.

p.s I am aware that The Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus are loved by millions and so I wish to express that my opinions are just my own and I apologise for any offense others may feel towards them. But I'm trying to be truthful. I know some things I like, others would cringe at. It's all good. I'm not usually apologetic for what I write, but I'm also aware of the loyalty of JB and MC fans, to be perfectly honest, I fear them; and fear leads to apologising for causing any offense.

(*whisper* please don't hurt me)

I just got a shiver up my back.

Perfect. Alias

Saturday 21 February 2009

More a nudge than a push

So this blog is in no way based on movie reviews, but seeing as I watch movies wherever I can squeeze them (which fortunately is everywhere), my posts will have movies as a recurring theme.

Push...I don't know what to think of it. I mean Camilla Belle, Dakota Fanning, Chris Evans and Honsou, what a cast!

But then they try to insert a storyline that suppose to keep the audience guessing. But the lack of enthusiasm the movie creates means viewers haven't the patience to be guessing. And it didn't help that the 'guessing' bit didn't need so much work.

I get a little annoyed sometimes when superpowers come into play, because essentially the creator of the story can introduce any superpower he wants; which means if they need a shadow to stop Watchers from showing Bleeders where the person they're trying to find, is, they can do that.

Dakota Fanning was brilliant, but the rest lacked something, even Chris Evans failed in this instance. There was no humour that we saw in Fantastic Four, nor was there any suspense that he embodied in Cellular and thus we're left with a mediocre movie that I think was held up by Dakota (although her performance cannot compare to what she accomplished in The Secret Lives of Bees).

And bloody Camilla, I really wanted to leave the cinema thinking 'wow' instead I left thinking...'wow' but not in the good way. The first wow was the good wow, the second wow was the 'bloody Camilla' wow. Her role was boring, she hardly did anything, she refused to smile (big surprise!) and when we see her last, I may be wrong but I think her 'stare' meant there was an opening for a second 'push'. God help us all.

On a seperate note, Dakota Fanning. Oh my how she's grown. I didn't expect her to stay little, but didn't expect her to grow up so quick either. It feels like yesterday she was cradling the pig in Charlotte's Web (I haven't seen it but I assume there was a scene where cradling a pig took place). The girl is 14 going on 20-something and her acting ability puts to shame many 'actresses' that are currently hurting our eyes and ears. I will address these women some other time.

Push. More a nudge I think.

there's your mention Aman :-)

Perfect. Alias

Thursday 19 February 2009

Friday the 13th

So I went to watch Friday the 13th last week and there's no other word to describe it but 'shit'. It was absolute rubbish, I'm pretty sure I'd rather watch Betwitched (with Nicole Kidman) or something as abysmal as that.

I don't understand how a director can sit there and edit his movie and think 'yeah that looks finished'. I mean surely when he is watching it back, he should see that the storyline is hilariously shit, the acting is breathtakingly disgusting and the fear factor...Courage the Cowardly Dog looks scarer than this bullshit.

Its the same thing with My Bloody Valentine. Did the Supernatural brothers have a meeting and decide it was time to do something shit in order to make their show Supernatural seem that much better? If so, they succeeded. Really, Ackles and Padalecki, did you not look at the script and think 'hmm, yeah starring in remade horror movies is never a good move'.

I mean, The Omen, Amityville Horror, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes, Halloween...remade horror, is like reheating chicken; it becomes dry, and tastes like shit. Similar to the shit being served by these retarded directors (I'm talking specifically in their horror remake not the rest of their movies).

Come on dudes, think of something original and stop regurgitating past creations. I don't see anyone taking hold of The Mona Lisa and deciding she should be smiling, I don't see construction work being done on the Eiffel Tower to make it a different shape, or different colour. You don't mess with something that doesn't need to be messed with. You don't add a pretty face for pretty face's sake in the hope of enticing narrow minded half-wits to the cinema to watch Jared and Jensen. NO!

Don't get me wrong, I won't say no to either :-)

But whilst trying to decide which armrest is mine, and the continuous distraction of shady looking men sitting disturbingly close, the last thing I want to see is bullshit. And just for the record, I saw these movies only because they were chosen by friends. Although the 'friend' word may be too kind, considering what they took me to watch.

Amandeep, this is down to you. There's your mention. Happy!

Perfect. Alias

Monday 9 February 2009

Numero Uno

O.K so my first ever blog, with and audience of zero...this is not how I pictured it.
But that's ok, because we all have to start somewhere...and I start here.

I was just thinking how rubbish Prison Break was after the first season, and suddenly a thought occured. Why do they sterilize the needle used for lethal injection? I mean they are about to die, surely there's no need to clean the utensils. As a matter of fact, they can use the same needle for all those with the death penalty (by lethal injection).

I think getting electrocuted is a better way to go. At least you get some thrill out of it. Although I'm pretty sure I'm comparing 'death by electrocution' to the electric shock machines at arcades. I like them. They're cool. Not sure death by electrocution is the same, but it seems much more fun than death by lethal injection.

My first blog and I decide to talk about death. This is not how I pictured it either. It's alright though, I'm sure they will get better in time.

Perfect. Alias