Monday 23 February 2009

How one entertains themselves during Lecture

Sitting and day-dreaming in my New Media module at university, it occurred to me that I should attempt to learn how to entertain myself through different means. Why I hear you asking?

Well because sometimes my attention span significantly decreases, and New Media has had that impact on me. I don’t think it has anything to do with the lecturer’s, both are extremely kind, and bring their own personality and teaching methods into the mix.

Unfortunately Thursday has never been a good day for me. Ever since I was a little girl, Thursday has brought only bad things. My cat died on a Thursday, my brother stole my computer on a Thursday, my mother cooks food I detest on a Thursday, and Thursday is when all the best shows are aired in America yet I have to wait before I can watch them here.

Apart from the last Thursday comment, the rest are lies. I think I’m trying to convince myself that I hate Thursday’s for reasons other than New Media for fear that one of my lecturers come across this post and then give me a third for my work. And anyway, I don’t have a cat and never did.

Back to the new form of entertainment on Thursday’s.

My very good friend Hafsa recently made a comment on how some individuals didn’t wear a bra (from what she could see) and so my new game centres on determining whether certain individuals are wearing a bra underneath or whether their lady lumps are defying gravity and staying up on their lonesome.

I must admit, when it looks as though they are defying the power of gravity, a little jealousy is the outcome.

This form of entertainment is slightly disturbing; I blame it on the person who brought up the subject in the first place (Hafsa). I was going to reveal who Hafsa ogled in the first place, but I fear the repercussions of this person finding out, would be too severe. But it would highlight where Hafsa’s mind is at during lecture.

Another way of passing time is by letting the imagination run completely free.

For a certain lecture, we had to watch a film about cherries (Taste of Cherry: 1997) which, as it transpires, has hardly any connection with the taste of cherry rather it was based on mans effort in ending his life. Right at the end, an old man makes a comment about a cherry tree and...Yeah they thought that this little comment was enough to make the movie’s name ‘Taste of cherry’. That’s like calling Batman Batman because a bat went flying across the screen and that’s it.

Anyway, the film ended with a question mark, did the man get his wish fulfilled? Did he manage to end his life? As there was no answer, I thought it was important to finish the film off in my head. And so I went on to imagine him dying from choking on a cherry, being hit by a bus that was advertising cherries, crashing his car into a cherry tree or having his cherry flavoured drink spiked with anti-freeze.

I’m pretty sure everyone was angry when the movie suddenly ended with no end, Aman (another good friend) looked as perplexed as me, I think I heard her curse the director (Abbas Kiarostami). Another friend Claudjah, decided this was the time to wake up from her nap.

Imagination is a strong tool. I bow down to mine. My only fear is, if my imagination was to take things a step further and, when I am attempting to determine whether certain individuals are wearing a bra, the imagination decides this game would work better if I imagined them naked.

Now that would be disturbing. Very disturbing indeed.

Perfect. Alias

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